The app that allows inspectors and engineers to figure out the condition of a structural element in the field right from their mobile phones or tablets.

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NBIS RATINGS App Home Screen light version
NBIS RATINGS App Home Screen dark version
NBIS Ratings App no-wifi logo


We definitely understand that inspectors are either in the middle of no where or underside a bridge and there’s no connection. We made sure to develop this app with no WiFi needed during using the app. Currently the only database used is the IDOT “Structure Information and Procedure Manual”.

We are working on incorporating more databases into our application including the NHI “Bridge Inspection Reference Manual” and more states. However, we will be certain to keep this app functioning without any internet requirement other than the one time to switch between databases.


We made sure to keep the app simple and easy to use. We tried to keep it within 3 steps only between choosing the element, choosing the worst case field condition, and then obtaining the rating accordingly.

Step 1

Select element.

NBIS Ratings App - Cercle Designs - Home Screen

Step 2

Select worst case field condition.

NBIS Ratings App - Cercle Designs - Select Worst Case Screen

Step 3

Obtain rating.

NBIS Ratings App - Cercle Designs - Rating Screen


We make sure to remind inspectors of what needs to be done if the defect is a critical finding!

Rating 2 - Cercle Designs - NBIS Ratings App
Critical Finding - Cercle Designs - NBIS Ratings App

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